Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Fantastic Tale of Nothing - Review

Author: Alejandra Green & Franny Rodriguez
Genre: Middle Grade / Graphic Novel
Format: e-Book
Pages: 320
This was an absolute gem of a find at my local library. It hooked me right from the start with the artwork alone. Each page is done in full, bright colors, that bring the story to life. There were so many tiny details to take in that I'm sure I missed little things on each page. Even reading this in ebook formate I could tell how beautiful each page was. For me, I felt it was a wonderful addition to the story to see the forest and the way the magic of this world worked. And, the facial expression they were able to pull off with Nathan was brilliant. 

It wasn't just the art that was amazing, but the story as well. While I'm not a huge fan of the Chosen One trope, I didn't mind it being used here. The story is set up more about this epic quest to save the world of Nothing, and the fact that Nathan is the Chosen One is sort of just a consequence of that. It's also easy to push aside because the story doesn't take itself too seriously. It's filled with humor and fourth wall breaks. I even started to pick up on the random lyrics hidden with the dialog. It's light-hearted and despite being well over three hundred pages, moves quite quickly.

In fact, quite a lot happens in those three hundred pages. As Nathan's quest unfolds, we are also given the backstory of Nothing came to be. I loved the difference in the artwork between the present and the past. It made it easy to keep with the switch in timelines. As well as helped the story to keep moving, a story inside the story as both Nathan and Haven learn about the world around them. 

Despite the massive amounts of information that gets thrown down within this story, I was able to keep track of everything in mind as I read. Even when I put the book down several times because of real life, it was easy to pick up again. 

The side quests were another fun part of this story. Because what's an epic quest without side quests? What I liked about the side quests how they tied into each character. It allowed a bit of back story for each character and made it easier to connect with them. Bardou is without a doubt my favorite of the questing party. And, I was glad he got some closure with his past through this first book.

I adored this first book and cannot wait for the second!


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