What a month... Our state tightened restrictions on gatherings which means I'm on standby with my job until, hopefully, the middle of next month. Fingers crossed! Though the upside is this is the first time in a minute I've had so much time to myself. So I re-arranged my bedroom, cleaned my bookshelves, and cooked a pretty amazing Thanksgiving dinner for our house. I've also coped by devouring quite a few Middle-Grade books and a good chunk of my Netgalley Shelf.
I also got to video chat with my family for an evening which was beyond great. We got the house decorated for the Holidays, and I've started my Christmas shopping. I should wrap it up soon to make sure everything arrives in the Middle in time for Christmas Eve. I'm trying to shop as many small businesses as I can so I need to get stuff wrapped up soon.
I've got some great reads happening this month, and I'm excited to be able to read in front of the fire more.
Books Read: 13
BINGO Books: 0
BINGO Books: 0
Pages Read: 1923
Currently Reading: The Yard & Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell

No book events planned, but I am excited to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas morning, video chatting with the family.
I haven't actually bought any new books this month, but I was lucky enough to get one advanced book from Netgalley, The Babysitter by Liza Rodman and Jennifer Jordan.
How was November for everyone else?
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