Saturday, March 19, 2022

Mini Reviews - Rereads

It's been a while since I've done one of these. Mostly because I've had the time to decorate full reviews to everything I read, including novellas and graphic novels. The two original reasons I added mini-reviews to my way of reviewing. Why revive them now? Because finally my roommate is reading the Locke & Key series, after years of my telling her to do so. Which means I'm reading them again so I can watch the Netflix series and get confused. Because it's been a cool minute since even I picked them up. This re-read lead to me realizing I never did finish the American Vampire series. So I'm jumping back into the series from the start because again, I don't remember a lot of what happened.

It's weird the things I remember about this series. Mostly I forgot how much actually happens in the first volume. A hundred percent it is a first book in the series. Not all do you get a hold on exactly who our three main characters are, but you get a taste of what the keys do. A hint of how dangerous Dodge is, and little bit about what happened with the Locke kids' father and his friends. This subject is touched on even more in the second volume, and you get a bigger look at the keys. We even get to see a couple fo the keys still hidden around the house. As a hint on what the omega key is and how dangerous it is. What I think is great about this series is that after all this time I remember the cast characters vividly, even have my favorites. What I forgot were little things about the keys, about the plot, and just how much I hate Dodge.

American Vampire was the first thing I ever picked up by Scotty Synder. I'm always a sucker for a vampires in the old west mash-up. It didn't take me long to remember why I enjoyed this the first time around. Skinner Sweet is the perfect villain turned sort of ant-hero. He's not a good person, he doesn't pretend to be, but I do also really like Pearl. She handles everything like a badass. I had forgotten quite a bit about this story, but that meant I go to enjoy it all over again. Even after this re-read I don't remember what's suppose to happen next. I really like how this book set up the characters, told Skinner's backstory, and set up future books all in one. While I'm a huge Stephen King fan, and loved his chapters about Skinner's backstory. I was definitely more into Synder's chapter with Pearl!


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