Saturday, November 30, 2019

We Have Always Lived in the Castle - Review

Series: Stand Alone
Genre: Gothic
Format: Paperback
Pages: 146

I popped this up on my list because I wanted to see the movie version that came out earlier this year, and I have a rule where I need to read the book first. Plus my flatmate adores Shirley Jackson's books and has been on my case to read it for the last two Octobers, and honestly it sounded right up my alley.

Honestly, though I had a hard time getting into this one. I started reading it on the bus, and the started re-reading it at the house. Still it took my a couple of days to finally push through the first chapter and get into the story. I was interested enough to know what had happened to the Blackwood family to keep reading, and it as the book went on I started to get into the story and understand why it was sort of hard to read.

The entire story is told from Mary Katherine Blackwood's point of view, and once I realized who she was to the story I started to understand why the was written the way it was.

It's rare for me to read a book and not find a character that I adore, but this was one of the rare ones. I didn't really connect with any of them. Though Cousin Charles was a tool from beginning to end. Well, Jonas the cat was adorable in the way I find all cats. But I wasn't really found of either sister really.

As for the story, I can see why people really love this book. The writing is beautiful and I cannot wait to see it translated into movie form. But for me it was a bit dry, and I kept waiting for something big to happen. Some big reveal about why this terrible thing happened to the Blackwoods. Something about the house. Anything to make me jump or spook me. I was sort of let down in that aspect.

This one is hard one for me to review. Because I know as a whole it's a good book and I can honestly see why so many people have enjoyed it. It just wasn't my kind of book when it comes to this genre. I wanted more ghost story and I guess less teeny tiny psychopath. It's a weird little bit book, but a solid read.

Buy, Borrow, or Skip: Oh jeez, honestly I'd say borrow. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it. My copy will definitely be finding it's way to a free little library soon.


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