Author: Jeff Rider
Genre: Graphic Novel
Format: Paperback
Pages: 33 (a piece)
I love this series! It's one of my favorite ECCC finds, and these didn't disappoint. For some reason, probably the last shut down due to COVID, I missed out on the third installment of this series. But, somehow in my mind, I thought I'd read it because the last year and change have been weird and time is a lie. Anyway, I'm glad I got both copies because I had not read it, and everything I thought happened in the third issue, was actually the second issue.
So really I got a bonus!
I will say for those Sherlock fans that are die-hard Canon lovers this is probably not the comic for you. Personally, I'm game for anything that includes the Great Detective. For me, this is a fun sort of 'what if' if the Holmes line had was being continued. I adore Sheffield and the line he walks between being his own man, a lot of like his Uncle Sherlock. I also really enjoy all of the side characters that Jeff Rider has created. I'm always a sucker for a team that Jeff Rider has created, where everyone serves a purpose. Though I have a soft spot of Brick and deserves nothing but good things. So if we could stop shooting him that would be great!
The pacing of this story is another positive for me. I like how quickly the story moves and how tightly compact it is. Yes, there is a lot of information to go through, but that is generally the way of things with Holmes stories. I much prefer when finding out people's backstory and quirks as the story goes along instead of chapters dedicated to the back story.
I also liked how Rider tied this story into history and that it wasn't tied up with a nice little bow. The team failed and succeeded at the same time, which leaves the door open for more books. Something I am totally down for.
Don't get me wrong this series isn't perfect, but on a whole, I've really enjoyed this series. And, I have my fingers crossed there will be more. Since Jeff Rider self publishes there is no Goodreads page, so if you follow this link you can learn more about this series and others!
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