Monday, August 28, 2023

Mini Reviews

This was adorable! It was one of those things that I saw on my library dash as a new release, and the color of the cover is what originally caught my eye. Then I noticed everything else. Listen I dabble in the DnD world, and I love watching my friends play these video games. And, I love getting to pick their side quests because they are hands down the best part. So I was super excited to jump into this one. This book gave me exactly what I wanted to give me. It hit all the fun DnD and fantasy game tropes. It's funny, there are fight scenes and an actual plot. On top of that, it's a satisfying ending. I also like that it's a stand-alone comic. Could there be more? Totally, but there doesn't need to be, nor do I feel like we need more. This story covered the entire compass of how the Tavern started, how everyone came together, and how important found family is. Totally recommend it if you looking for a light fantasy read!  

I'm a little low-key obsessed with the Winchester House. Even if you take the supernatural aspect out of it. It's a pretty interesting house because the designs basically play you against yourself. Which probably makes the supernatural aspects a little easier to believe. Plus who doesn't want a door that opens to a dead drop? It's like your very own Moon Door. As for this graphic novel, the ending is really what saved it for me. The first two chapters were okay little historical pieces on the building of the house and some of the struggles Mrs. Winchestor faced for human enemies. There's a hint of the supernatural, little moments that I wish there were a little more of. But, the ending is what bumped this up a star for me. I liked the idea of this being more than a house-filled ghost. Almost to the point the house itself is possessed by something. That caught my interest. Very Hill House, very much up my alley. I just wish the rest of the novel had been more like the last couple of pages. More scenes of what the house itself was doing, maybe watching it come to power. Otherwise, it's a pretty slow burn.


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