Thursday, July 18, 2024

August Silent Book Club

Thank you to everyone who came to the July Silent Book Club last night. It was great to see a full house again! So many of us were reading Brandon Sanderson! I was pleasantly surprised by our turnout. Our RSVPs were low, but the weather cranked it up to almost 90. So a lot of us were happy to have a couple of houses in the AC! 

If you missed out on this month's meet-up, have no fear. Silent Book Club will be back on August 21! Same bat-time, same bat-channel! As you can see there is no wrong way to read: library books, graphic novels, Kindles, even audiobooks. Whoever, and whatever, is welcome! 

I even saw my cohost with a physical book this month! Personally, I go back and forth between my Kindle and physical reads. This month I was reading a library book. Hard to tell where my mood will take me next month!

Hope to you see next month!


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