Friday, July 12, 2024

Currently Reading

Okay, we're officially halfway through the year and nearly halfway through the month. I've mentioned this a couple of times, but I've been really good at starting books, and only sort of good at finishing them. While I've knocked two books off my Currently Reading Pile from last week. I have in fact added another book, gotten a new book from NetGalley, and one of my holds came in. So that all happened. I've managed to not start any of them. This is a feat considering I'm really pumped for the NetGalley book. It's right up my alley, and I'm only waiting for my three-day weekend which I've carved out next week. 

It's one of those, I don't need to take off from work, but we've been a bit overstaffed on those days, so I'm taking a small summer break to help out. I might go on a little trip. I haven't decided yet. There is a good chance I'll find a sunny spot and read all weekend. And probably spooky shopping. 

Currently Reading:

The Jason Paragin book is good, but it's been hard for me to read. Abbott has a lot of anxiety and you feel it when you read his chapters, which is great because we get to know him as a character through the way his mind works. However, his chapters make me sleepy because he's a lot. Ghost Stories is also slow going because these are older books, early 1900s and later, so after a couple of stories I need a break. Which has been nice because it means I'm getting to enjoy this without devouring each story. 

I really like A Botanical Daughter, but there's a lot of botany involved so after a couple of chapters my brain needs a break. So I haven't been rushing this one either because I don't want to miss anything. I really like how Medlock is reworking the Frankenstein story. Heir of Novron I just started Tuesday, it's a chore audiobook, and I'm the opener and solo in the restaurant for a few hours audiobook. While I'm excited to see how this series is going to end, I'm also bummed to nearly be finished with this series.

Frugal Wizard is my first Brandon Sanderson book, and I'm loving it. I'm halfway through it at this point. It's super weird and I have no idea what's going on. Which is what I like about it. We're finding everything out with the main character as it all unfolds. I don't even have a theory because I'm here for the ride on this one.

So yeah, that's the stack, the tally. I'll probably finish at least two of these by the end of the week. I'm going to a concert on Sunday. This means a lot of waiting, which means it's a good thing I got a couple books on my phone! There's a good chance I'll manage to finish Ghost Stories and Frugal Wizard before next Monday. If not, Silent Book Club is this coming Wednesday. So there's that!


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