Monday, July 29, 2024

Currently Reading

At the start of the month, I did a current reading post about the ridiculous number of books I'd managed to start at the end of June. In fact, I was currently reading five books. Not to mention the fact I had three NetGalley books that needed my attention. One of them still needs my attention, but I've finally started the other two. That's a win for me because I have a bad habit of my eyes being bigger than my ability to read. I tend to get very excited about books and forget how slow of a reader I am. Seriously, I love reading, but I'm such a slow reader.

On that note I did manage to finish three books off the list at the start of the month: Frugal Wizard's Guide, Heir of Novron, and Ghost Stories. I put a small dent in Botanical Daughter, this should really be my focus in August to finally finish. That really should be one reading goal for next month. Finish Botanical Daughter because we're enjoying and it's silly that I haven't dove deeper into it. 

This is a two-step forward, one-step back moment though. Because yes I knocked three books off that list, but I've added two tanks to NetGalley. I didn't pick up Black Box of Doom once this month! And I really need to finish it in August too because it's due to come out in September. So maybe two goals for next month. Even if I only read two books next month, they should probably be these two books. 

So in the end no progress was made because I'm still in the same boat, only with different books. Which seems to be a cycle I'll never be able to break. I just really like starting books, but seem very bad at finishing them. Does anyone else have this problem? Or, is it just me?


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