Thursday, July 11, 2024

Rise of Empire - Review

Author: Micheal J. Sullivan
Genre: Fantasy 
Format: Paperback
Pages: 786

Okay, I did it, I cracked open volume two despite knowing that my boys would fight and that all seven hundred-odd pages would be filled with pain. Despite knowing all of this, I dove right into it because I've been itching to learn more about Hadrian's past. To finally have him realize who he is and that he has a purpose. That he was always meant to be a protector, even if he lost his way for a bit. I'm so glad I didn't wait to pick this one, because yeah there were some stressful moments, but all around this was a really good read, listen, combo thing I did! 

I've been reading these series in chronological order, but I already know who the Heir is actually going to be. I'm not good at waiting, so I Googled it ages ago. Mostly because I kind of had an idea on the who and I didn't want to wait to get through this series, because the last books are all over seven hundred pages. And that sort of stressed me out. I know they like several smaller books bound together because they all serve one plot, but this was nearly eight hundred pages.

But, I'm doing a combo of the audiobooks and reading along as I listen, and that has honestly been the best combo for me. I love the two voice actors who voice Hadrian and Royce and having all the background sound effects have helped keep my focus on the story. Personally, I think it adds to the whole experience. Because this series is a high fantasy series. So the music, the sounds of sword clashing, and actually hearing the tone in the actors' voices, helped keep my mind on the story, and not how many pages I have left. 

I don't know if it's been said before, but Arista really is my least favorite character. She's so wrapped in everything that's happened to her that she's just not reaching how great she can be. Despite a few moments where I almost change my mind, but then she fails at something and it's like she doesn't know how to stand back up on her feet. She needs someone to constantly give her another reason, and there's so much whining. There have just been so many better, more badass women in this series. Like Gwen and Winter's Daughter Genny! I don't know Arista just isn't a character for me, her chapters are my least favorite, and I don't think I'd cry if she died.

Not something I can say about the last book when baby Pickett died. I'm still not over that!

Still, I really liked this one. It's got some great one-liners, Gwen has my favorite line in this book! It's kind of living rent-free in my head and makes me giggle for no reason. There are some really solid moments between my favorite duo in this as well, that despite everything Royce and Hadrian are family. And despite how much Royce screwed up, Hadrian isn't just going to walk away from Royce. There are also some on-the-edge-of-your-seat moments in this one.

I found the first volume pretty slow due to the plot, it was a lot of build-up and scene setting, which all makes because you hit the ground running, and you don't get a chance to breathe. This plot goes from one bad thing to the next to the next, and then it's sort of over. But you know it's not over because of course there's a war, there's a plot with a fake heir, and now there's a horn.

This was hard to put down, I was reading every chance I got. Every book has fallen by the wayside, and despite the fact I've been reading one since the end of March, I've already started volume three. Listen I have to know how Royce found out everything. What exactly is coming around Wintertide and why do they need this horn. I have too many questions, and I don't want to wait. 

Still my favorite series. Still, my favorite duo, and I'm really worried about how this is all going to end. Gwen has me worried, I don't like that we haven't gotten a chapter from her point of view because I don't like not knowing what she's seen in everyone's palms. 


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