Saturday, July 27, 2024

The World's Favorite Ghost Stories - Review

Author: Tony Brueski
Genre: Ghost Stories
Format: e-Book
Pages: 192

Thank you to Netgalley and Callisto for sending me an advance copy of The World's Favorite Ghost Stories, which hits shelves on August 20, 2024.

Like with all anthologies this contained some stories that hit and some that missed. Overall I liked the stories inside of here, most of which were new to me. One I had forgotten all about, but was one I read way back in college. That one was really fun to reread after all these years, it was like unlocking a core memory. So for the most I really enjoyed this book and I'm really glad I got the chance to read this early thanks to NetGalley. Because this is an anthology and because I was given the chance to read this early, I reviewed each story as I read them. These were all classics from way back when, but these are my honest thoughts. 

Also, very quickly. Let's take note of this solid cover because it's without a doubt what originally caught my eye about this book. Solid cover and I cannot wait to see what looks like in solid form in August!

The Listener: 2 Stars
The concept is super scary, and this story got so close a handful of times. The problem was the main character is very unlikeable, and everything is from his point of view. Which should have made it scary, but his thoughts kept going in circles and it kind of pulled away from the story. There was so much build-up that was so creepy, but every time the jump scares just sort of fell flat. The downside was this was the first story right out of the gate. So it set a tone that was hard to jump back into this book after a couple of days. This one just never reached its full potential. 

Only A Dream: 3 Stars
This is a weird one and has a bit of a frantic kind of energy to it, which worked for the story. The sort of quick pace that kind of circles itself, adds to the stress and helps keep you on the edge of your seat. I spent the first third of the story wanting the man to not open the door, the second third worried the ghost was going to just lunge out the man, and the last half questioning why would he open the basket. WHY?! We all knew what was in there, we didn't need to open it. Still, this was a step above the first story.

The Moonlight Road: 4 Stars
This was really good and really sad. Super sad, like bring down the room sad. It was also very creepy. The perfect kind of campfire tale or slumber-part ghost story. We get three different points of view in this one. The first two stories kind of back each other up with a random main being the murder, but in the last point of view, the psychic says something else. I liked this one. I'm still not sure what happened, but I was reading it in the dark, and creeped me out.

Jikininki: 4 Stars
This was cool! A hundred percent a campfire, fire pit, ghost story. Wandering in the forest is always a quick way to find yourself in the middle of a ghost situation. It also sends chills down my spine cause the middle got really creepy. Also who just walks into a run-down-looking shack thing? Even if another priest, or monk, lives there. Bad things happen in run-down shacks in the middle of the forest. Seriously. Still, this was really good. I liked it.

The Spector Lovers: DNF
I thought I was tired when I started this one so it wasn't holding my attention. So I started it again the next day, but I just couldn't get into this one. It started out fine and I was interested and then it tapers off for me, and I kept getting distracted instead of reading. So I DNF'ed this one.

His Dead Wife's Photograph: 3 Stars
I love the idea of spirit photography and the thought of capturing a moment in time. I thought this was a beautiful story of the first way of getting that photograph she wanted even after death. It's not a malevolent haunting, just a moment, a reminder that was once there. I also thought it was wonderfully told by a third party. Not a scary ghost story, but a soft and beautiful one.

The Yellow Wallpaper: 4 Stars
I read this one way back in college. I didn't remember until about halfway through the story, and then I realized I knew how this one was going to end. Thinking back, in college I didn't care so much for this story. Years later on a second read, I do really like this story and maybe it's because I understand the main character a little better and her predicament. It was great to get to go back and rediscover this story!

The Grateful Ghost: 4 Stars
Okay, well that was hauntingly beautiful, and proof that not every ghost story needs to be scary. This was a story about how one good deed can create another good deed. One simple act changed the course of another man's life, though he expected nothing in return. While very short, I enjoyed this story and it was a really great note to start my day off with! 

What Was It?: 4 Stars
My dudes! My dudes! This story was so good. It's what I've been wanting out of this anthology from the start. Have there been good campfires, by the candlelight, stories? Yes, there have and some have been very eerie and creepy. But this one, this one pulled at my attention. It sets you up with this perfect haunted house that all these learned men go to stay in to see the ghosts. Only there is no ghost, but there is something else. It was so good! It sucked me with the ghost, but the monster, invisible man, and opium-based fever dream, the thing kept me until the end. I love that it's a bit of an open ending. This one I think will stay with me for a bit.
The Marble Arch: 3 Stars
What an odd story. I liked it well enough, in the sense that it's interesting. Parts of it are rough, though I imagine that has more to do with the translation. The twists keep the story going and move quickly so you don't get bored. Though I don't know if I'd call this a ghost story. It's definitely a wonderful tale with a happy ending. But it doesn't really feel like a ghost story to me. Despite many twists I never really felt any intense moments, nothing truly spooky, nothing made my heart race. But I did keep reading to find out the true fates of the characters. Maybe some of those moments got lost in the translation to make feel less like a ghost story. Maybe it's one that was scarier in its time. Either way, it's still a solid short story. Just super weird.  

The Shell of Sense: 3 Stars
This was not the ghost story I thought I was getting. It wasn't vengeful at all, in fact, it was kind of beautiful. Just a woman trying to make sure two of the people she cared so much about were taken care of. While I prefer my ghost stories a little more creepy, I did like this one.

Silence: DNF
This is another one that I don't think translation did any favors, or maybe it was the writing style. But I couldn't keep my head on this one. I'd manage two pages then wander off somewhere else.

Lost Hearts: 3 Stars
This was a great way to close out the entire book! So creepy. I will say I need to go back and read this one again in a few days. Because this anthology has been weighing on me to finish so I don't think I got to enjoy or take it in a way it deserved. Because in just eleven-ish pages there seemed to be a lot going on. But I had to read this on my phone and I was super frustrated with the story before this one that I was distracted. On feels like a second read, I'd give this one a higher rating because it felt really creepy, my mind space was just not perfect. Definitely one I need to come for.

Are these the world's favorite ghost stories? Mayhaps. I enjoyed quite a few of these, and even found a new favorite in What Was It? but there were definitely some of these stories that were not for me. But, it was a great collection of ghost stories that for the most part I had never read. If you're a fan of classic ghost stories I suggest picking this one up, there are some gems hidden inside these pages!


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