This was adorable! The illustrations are fun, bright, and a wonderful addition to the book. This isn't just a book about the dogs that Gideon has in fact been able to pet. It is also a book approach a dog you want to pet that isn't yours, what to consider when you want a dog, and some of the things you'll have to do if you get a dog. It would be a great tool for kids who want a dog, or who love interacting with dogs on the day-to-day. The pages are filled with fun facts and written in a way kids can understand (because Pet that Dog is written by a kid). Even I learned a few new things! This was super cute and I can't thank Quirk Books enough for my copy!

I really liked this and thought it was a great mix of Buffy and Stranger Things. While the artwork is little on the simple side, I thought it really worked, and the coloring was amazing. I thought it all came together really well to tell this story. We got a little bit of a look at the agency, or group, that sent Erica to Archer's Peak to battle this monster. I feel like it was a great introduction to this world but left me with enough questions that I'm excited about Volume Two coming out this December. I'm interested to see what will happen to Tommy after Erica stuck that thing in his temple, because it seems like he's apart of something now. And, I'm not sure that's a club you want to join. Cause as cute as the stuffed octopus was, it seems a bit like a dick.
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