Saturday, August 10, 2019

Aurora Rising - Review

Author: Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
Genre: SciFi
Format: Hardback / Audiobook
Pages: 470 / hours

I actually read Aurora Rising two different ways: my hardback and audiobook. My original plan was to finish the book and then go back and reread it with the audiobook, but my library had other ideas. Because I was about a third of the way through the book when the audio book arrived. So instead I back tracked, re-listened to what I'd already read, and then followed along in my book after I reached where I had left off. This actually turned out to work in my favor. It forced me to slow down as I read so I didn't miss anything. Because so much happens in this book in just over four hundred pages.

In fact there isn't a point in the story where things actually slow down. Our cast of characters doesn't really get a chance to breath, and neither does the reader. Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff have constructed a beautiful book. The places they creates where amazing and toward the end a little terrifying. I would like to thank them both for the vivid remind of why primates of all kinds creep me the hell out. 

I did not appreciate that all for several reasons!

One of my favorite things about Aurora Rising is that each chapter is told by a different Squad Member. Since so much is happening very quickly, this gave me a way to learn a little more about each character as the plot was unfolding. Not in a way that pulled away from the story, but just in the background. Thoughts they would have, the way the reacted to things. It was a really great way to get to know the characters. Of which Finnian is my favorite. In fact I'm pretty sure he's the love of my life and should be protected at all times. 

In fact I really enjoyed all the members of Squad 312, except for Cat. I just couldn't with her. Even though I understood the chip on her shoulder, she made the choice to be in this Squad. So I needed her to be a little less bitter and a little jealous. She's a bad-ass pilot, she's a freaking Zero! I'll admit she got a little better, but still of all the Squad Members she is my least favorite. Finn and Kal being my top picks. Kal because he's trying to be more than his bloodline, and Finn because basically my spirit animal. But, all of the characters where well rounded and their own people, and I love how in the beginning they didn't get along. Their edges didn't fit together because they were never really meant to work together.

I also want to give them both props, because we don't know who write which characters, for Aurora O'Malley. She had every opportunity to become a whiny, annoying, woe is my character. Let's face it, her life not so bright shiny. But, she wasn't. She was sad, angry, and completely lost. Only she used it to strength herself, to find the answers to all the questions. As the story progressed, Aurora grew as a character, they all did.

Also! That Ocean's 11 little moment. Not cool dudes! That is the moment my stress started in this book. Because for a hot second everything was not okay, and even I was like... well, this is where someone dies. And I was trying to prepare myself for it being Finn. Because he's not much of a warrior. I was on the bus when I got to that part. So I can only imagine how my face looked.

I also really liked how the Aurora Rising ended. Not only was it just as explosive as the beginning, but Tyler's chapter both opens and closes the book. I like how we had some of our questions answered. That Amie and Jay had one more twist right at end. One I had been wondering about since we learned what happened to the colonist on Octavia. The end hurt, and things are a thousand miles from okay, but I'm so ready for the second book.

One thing I want to mention before I wrap this all up was how amazing the audiobook cast was. Listening to it as I read was such a bonus, especially toward the end. When you can hear the emotion as your reading it. Honestly that added a little more to my experience, and glad I had the chance to experience Aurora Rising both wise.

I lied, I realize now what the title means. Sitting here typing. A lesson I should have learned back with the Illuminae Series. I'm a bit thick it seems.

Buy, Borrow, or Skip: Anyway you can get your hands this. It's everything I love about the space opera genera. There's even a little bit a romance in there toward end. I ship in which I will go down with!


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