Saturday, October 24, 2020

Dewey's 24-Hour Readathon

I thought I was going to miss this readathon because my new job was in a resturant, which means I have non-traditional hours. But, that changed at thes start of the month and I wasn't about to complain! I'm more excited for Dewey's then usual because I haven't picked up a book in two weeks. I've started a handful of books, but then put them aside for no real reason. 

So, my goal for the next 24-hours is to finish all three novellas on my list, and get half way through at This is Not the Jess Show

We have plenty of snacks set up for today, and a cauldron full of candy, and all the coffee. So much coffee. And, if the weather stays wet and cold I might even start the first fire of the year!


What's everyone else got on their TBR for the next 24-hours?

You can follow all the days shenanigans on my Twitter @BookishShh or on Instagram @Bookish_Whisipers!