Thursday, October 29, 2020

Favorite Horror Novels

Halloween is just days away, and to kick off the celebration I thought I'd share some of my favorite scary and spooky stories. Horror is one of my favorite genres whether with books or movies, and I read them all year long. However, the Fall is one of my favorites times to read them with the weather changing and it getting dark sooner. I've come to learn I'm a bit picky when it comes to the books (and movies) that I love in this genre and these are just a few of my favorites that I push on a lot of people. Some sleep with the lights on scary, while others are just weird and spooky and left me a little creeped out. A few it a combination of all of the above.


I limited my list to the books that really stuck with me after reading them, otherwise I would pages and pages of books. It was kind of fun making this list and seeing the reasons some of these books stuck with me. For example, Woman in Black is the only Susan Hill novella I really like, and Die Softly has stuck with me even though I read it once back in junior high. I think Tommyknockers was my first Stephen King novel, and I read it because I knew he was one of my mom's favorite authors. While Warm Bodies was one fo the first books I won through Goodreads, but stuck with me. NOS4AU nearly ruined Christmas and I made my roommate read the book right after me, and Supernatural Enhancements was one that had me sleeping with the lights on.

There are probably books I didn't think to add to this list because they didn't stick with me quite the ways these books did. Or, just throw me for a loop as much as Monster of Elendhaven did. I honestly need to re-read that book because so much happens in so few pages.

Anybody else has any spooky, or creepy, reads that stuck with them? Ones that recommend to friends?


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