Monday, September 9, 2024

2024 Most Anticipated Pt 3


The year is officially on a downward slide into the next. With only four months left in the year, it's time for the last few books I'm looking forward to being published. My top favorites are Cult Following and Red in Tooth and Claw. However, I'm super excited for all of these to hit shelves. Though I must confess I started reading Cult Following yesterday and it's wild! Also, Don't Let the Forest In has a special place in my heart because a friend from Bookstagram is publishing it. So this one will be an instant buy for me to support them! 

Of all the books I've been excited to get my hands on this year, I've bought four, and one of them has been gifted to me through NetGalley. Which means I've actually read two of them! Better than last year considering I'm currently reading the third! 

I just have so many books on my selves, and most of these are sitting on my library TBR. Some have massive holds so I really just have to wait my turn to even think about putting them on hold. The rest is I'm such a mood reader. But these are the books on the top of my list for the last releases of 2024!


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