Thursday, September 19, 2024

Book Mail

I was delighted to connect with Zeo Niu before the Kickstarter for Monkey went live. That meant I got to kick off my summer reading with this gem. It was honestly so much fun! Niu combined my love for Tank Girl, Mad Max, and odd science fiction stories and created something amazing. I was barely halfway through when I knew I wanted a whole series out of this story. 

While this first volume is jammed back with information about our main characters, it doesn't leave a few unanswered questions. It's a great introduction to the world (and how it ended). Monkey also left me wanting more and to know more about how exactly we got from the end of the world to that exact moment.

I didn't even think twice when I backed this project, and I've been so excited to get my hands on a physical copy. Mostly, I wanted to see the artwork on paper. It looked amazing on my phone or screen, but I wanted to be able to see it all in real-time, in glossy comic book form.

My fingers are crossed that Nui can create more of this comic in the future. I would a hundred perfect back a second issue! I'd try my hardest to be first in line!  

A huge thank you to Zeo Nui for reaching out and letting me know about this series. It's so much fun. I've already read it again, and I can't wait to hang the print on my nerd wall. 


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