Friday, September 20, 2024

Mini Review


This turned out to be sadder than I thought it would be, but also really beautiful. It's so much more than a ghost story. Inside is a lesson on setting boundaries, and taking care of yourself first, and sometimes the scary thing isn't the real scary thing. There is so much jammed-backed in this book, but it was heavier than I expected so it did take me a couple of days to read. But, well worth the wait to stretch out because this has a wonderful happy ending for now kind of feel. I'd love to get more of this, but it also really works as a stand-alone. 

This was super adorable! It's also a really fun way to look at the things we see, do, and say that feel normal and every day, seem weird to others. But at the same time, it shows the weird ways we bend ourselves to fit in with the world around us. It was so much to Frankie D and his family to try to conform to not only the human world but a whole new country as well. It's filled with great one-liners, and sitcom-level comedy, and is adorable at every turn. It sets itself for the second book really well. It wraps all the issues of this book up and opens up the plot for season two with Eddie learning Frankie's secret. So what will happen to the family in book two?

This was my third read of this book, and it's still one of my favorite series. While Kady is still not one of my favorite characters in the series, she does have one of the best character arcs. However, Winnifred McCall is still my favorite character of all time. The audio cast is amazing, and if you loved the book but haven't listened to the full cast audio, I need to do that right now. Every character is spot on, and this is one of those books that thrives with full-cast audio. The reason for me re-read is because I still haven't read the last book in the series. (Super good at starting a series, really bad at finishing them.) So to fix that I'm going back and jumping back into this series and I'm going to wrap it up! Because I love everything about this series. Mostly just how the first two books connect (I'm sure how all three connect). As I was listening I was connecting dots, but so much happens that I'd forgotten since my last listen maybe two years ago. I've already jumped into the second book, Gemina. Such a good series, I cannot recommend it enough!


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