Friday, September 13, 2024

Weird Medieval Guys - Review

Author: Olivia M. Swarthout
Genre: Nonfiction
Format: Hardback
Pages: 204

This is my favorite little subgenre of nonfiction. The mesh of humor, satire, and pieces of history. This book does that spot on. This was everything I wanted it to be and then some. I mean, look at the cover, who would walk past that and not pick it up, and the title, sealed the deal for me. Those two things, are immediately in my bag because you are coming home with me. The best thing is this book didn't disappoint because you knew exactly what you were getting.

A laugh-out-loud good time. Seriously this book had me giggling from the first page to the last page. I have no idea how much of the information inside these pages is true, and if this is how people thought all back then. But I don't care. What I do care about is how just over-the-top funny each page is. I also liked that the pieces of this book were interactive. So you, yourself, get to be a part of the fun.

Thanks to this book I've learned a lot about myself, the first being there is not a single moment in time where I did not struggle to spell the word medieval. Even now I still get confused about where the stupid 'i' goes. It's been a real struggle. But on a fun note, thanks to this book I've learned many more things: my medieval name, what job I would have (shocker it's basically the job I have no, and no I didn't cheat), and even if I would end up in the jail. The answer to that last question is yes, yes I would, and no one I know is surprised by that answer.

Medieval art just by itself is wild and confusing and always leaves me asking so many questions. Mainly had any one of them ever actually seen a cat. Because nightmare fuel. But this book takes ideas like that and runs with it. It's so much fun to not just look at each piece that Swarthout included in this book but to see how it drives each narrative, and just adds to the humor. Because really, how is a snail a serpent. But also, why did we hate owls back then.

I just loved this book from start to finish. I even took it to Silent Book Club, and everyone had to borrow to flip through the pages. So many people took pictures to add it to their TBRs. It's a crowd-pleaser and a great coffee table book. Just something for guests to pick up and flip through and have a small laugh. This was great, and a keeper. Thoroughly enjoy it!


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