Friday, September 6, 2024

Night Worms Unboxing


September Theme: Web of Lies


It's one of my favorite things about the start of each month! Mostly because who doesn't love getting mail of any kind. Bonus points for it being book mail. Extra bonus points because there's usually caffeine coming with those books. This month I was excited to finally get my hands on Through the Midnight Door by Katrina Monroe. It's been on my TBR since the start of the year, it sounds like it's going to be rough and punch me right in the feelings. But, I'm also gonna like it. My favorite kind of horror book. 

I'm so not going to like Crypt of the Moon Spider because I do not like spiders. They're one of like two things I do not like. This whole book is going to give me nightmares. I can already feel it. And yet, I'm still going to read it, probably at night, and never sleep again.

Listen, listen, when I opened this package, I could smell the peanut butter coffee. I am so excited to try this. I love peanut butter, eat it out of the jar with a spoon kind of love. Will live off of peanut butter and jelly sammies and fluffernutters for the rest of my life and be happy as a clam. So I cannot wait to brew this, the whole house is going to smell like peanut butter! The stickers were super cute as well. One of my friends who loves spiders has already claimed them for her own!

A huge thanks to the Night Worm gals for another amazing month with amazing books and goodies to go with them!


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