Monday, September 16, 2024

Read-a-thon Wrap Up

 So over on Instagram, I joined in the Fall Back Into Reading, Read-a-Thon. It was super low stress and it ran from Monday to Friday. The low-stress aspect was what I loved about it because last week I was super busy, then got laid up with a cold, and then geared up for one more busy weekend. This was a nice way to give myself an excuse to curl up and read. While I didn't get a lot of reading done. I finished one of the books I started in August, set aside, and knocked a couple of graphic novels off my TBR! So a win in my books! 

Read-a-Thon Stats:
Books Read: 2
Pages Read: 473

This was a great drive to keep me reading this last week because it was really busy. I had back-to-back events these last two weekends that had me on my toes at work. Then one of my bookshelves gave up and broke, and that turned into a whole afternoon/evening project. I don't think I would have read at all this week if wouldn't have been for the Fall Back Into Reading, Read-a-Thon. It was the perfect excuse to curl up in a blanket nest and just exist. 

I even managed to crack open a book not on my TBR! So this will definitely be a read-a-thon I would do again!


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