Monday, June 3, 2024

Book Haul

I've been doing a bit of spring cleaning over the last few months. Just things that were collecting dust and needed to find a new home, some clothes I forgot I owned, and donation things. When I dropped them off I had time to look around inside. I wasn't looking for anything, I just liked wandering our thrift store. Normally it's hit or miss if I find any books to take home. On this trip, luck was in my favor, I saw two! One of the missing Goosebump books I'm missing and Loki! I also snagged a few books for a friend of mine who works at a summer camp, they have a Free Little Library. I found a handful of books for her to add when she goes this summer.

I also snagged something from my local library. It's been ages since I had a physical hold come in, lately, I've been devouring books on my Kindle. However, I have a basic Kindle, so it's not made for books with images or Graphic Novels. And, I've been waiting what feels like forever for Nothing Special to get in. It's on the top of my weekend reads because book two is only a few months, maybe weeks after release!


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