Friday, June 7, 2024

Night Worms Unboxing

June Theme: Family Tree

I've been excited about this package because something about Woodworm always pulls my attention. I don't know if it's this cover or the synopsis, but since I saw it on Net Galley I knew it was something I was going to need in my hand. I also feel that this might be a Night Worms book. So I was super excited to be right, and now it's here! And of course, I'm at work all weekend, but I am going to carve a few hours at some point over the next three days to try to devour this one. Because it feels like one of those books that once you start, you don't put it down until you're done. The rest of the world be damned. 

I'm not really sure that Red Grove is for me, but I've thought about a couple of other books this year and was a hundred percent wrong. So it would seem even I don't know what I like. So I'm going to pass on this. 

Okay, I think that every month the magnets get cuter and cuter. I absolutely loved the one from this month. Both spooky and adorable! I don't know what I'm going to do when I run out of fridge space. Which is definitely going to happen sooner rather than later. I'm not sure how I feel about the coffee this month. I have been really enjoying Haunted Cups Coffee that we got in other packages. And I love banana nut bread, the smell of banana nut bread, but I'm not real sure how I feel about a coffee with that flavor. I mean I'm gonna give it a go. At the very least the house will smell good in the morning!

Lastly, I cannot get over how gorgeous Wordworm is. I knew the cover art was amazing, but the whole book was absolutely adorable. I cannot wait to jump into this one.


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