Friday, June 21, 2024

July Silent Book Club

A small turnout for the June book club, but still a great group of people. Even had some younger readers so show up! With summer finally here and the patio doors wide open, the tables we take over at Leftcraft are getting plenty of sun! There's some great beer on tap and all sorts of great summer bites on the menu. I even managed to make a huge dent in the book I was reading and finished it when I got home. That's book 33 finished up.

If you missed the June event that's okay. The weather was amazing for the first in what feels like forever. But, if you're in the Edmonds area on July 17th, and want to join us for an hour of reading and connect with other readers. Well, we started reading at 7:30pm, but we started eating and chatting at 7pm. So join us next month at Leftcraft! We'd love to see what you're reading.


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