Monday, June 10, 2024

Monkey - Review

Author: Zeo Noi
Genre: Graphic Novel
Format: e-Book
Pages: 66

Monkey's Kickstart opens on June 11th!

A huge thank you to the author Zeo Nui who let me get a first look at Monkey before the Kickstarter officially opens! This is one I'll be supporting and keeping my fingers crossed makes its goal because I'd love to see where this series goes. 

When Zeo Nui first reached out to ask if I'd like a look at this comic, the first thing that grabbed my attention was the artwork. The colors on this are bold and hard to miss, and it's one of those comics where there's a ton of tiny details in every panel. It's not an overwhelming feeling, but one of those that every time you go back to read it again, you notice something new kind of situations. Which I enjoy about comics. Because it gives you a reason to come back. 

The next thing that caught my eye was being told if I liked Tank Girl, then I'd like this. I mean I love Tank Girl so that alone was enough to give it a chance to see if it held a candle to one of my favorite comics. And, I wasn't disappointed. There's a little sprinkle of a lot of dystopian action movies I like. It's got the roughness and humor of Tank Girl mixed with a little weirdness of Mad Max with the end-of-the-world vibe. Maybe even a little sprinkle of Umbrella Academy in the vein of the weird mutant evolution. 

That's a long-winded way to say, that Zeo Nui took a lot of things I loved and created a world and characters I could learn to adore.

Now I saw learn because I only got a look at the first issue. Piers is already my favorite character, in both versions. My reasoning on that is a spoiler. So if you want to know why, support the Kickstarter! 

The first issue is action-packed and introduces us to our main character Monkey and the events that lead to the dystopian world years later. We even get the origin story of Monkey in later panels. The plots move very quickly and both the past gives way to the present. I like how quickly the plot moves, only slowing down for a brief flashback for Monkey, but as soon as the flashback is over you're slammed back into the story again.

I also really liked that we didn't get a look at the dystopian world as a whole. I have a lot of questions after reading the first issue. Mostly about why the people are mutants. What happened to cause the need for them to evolve, or change themselves in this way. Also the Chruch of Monkey? Lots and lots of questions about that. Also, how is Piers still alive, and when did Monkey get free from his prison? 

Also, Lizard People?

Listen if you can't tell I really liked one. It sucked me right in, and I'm not upset about the questions the first issue left me with. They're just a reason to want another issue and then another issue after that. This has the potential to be an amazing series, and I cannot wait to see how it ends. I really hope to see how it ends. Monkey is an indie comic that is using Kickstarter to help it get published and into the hands of fans. So if this sounds like something you'd like, please support Zeo Noi's Kickstarter Campaign that kicks off tomorrow, June 11th!

You can hit Zeo Noi's Instagram for more information!


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