Thursday, June 20, 2024

Mini Reviews


I've read all prequels to this series and lost count of the number of times I've read or listened to, Crown Tower. But the Revelations series has always been intimidating because of their size. Since they are two books in one they are between six and seven hundred pages. So they've been sitting on my shelf with me going, I should read these this year. Finally, it has happened. Well, more correctly I listened to this one since there is a full cast audio on Audible! I liked this one, hard not to one when Royce and Hadrian are some of my favorite duos. I liked seeing where the prequels fit into this story because I think all of them were mentioned, even the one coming out this year had a small, blink and you'll miss it, moment. There is a lot of setup in this one for the next two books. So it's more dialogue-heavy than I was expecting. But there are still tons of sword fights, bickering, stealing, and even some sort of dragon thing. And Royce is full of sarcasm left and right. 

Both books are a great setup for the rest of the story as a whole. I'm super excited to see how all of this going to play with the Chruch of Novron. While the characters themselves might now know who the heir is, I do and it's the worst-kept secret in this universe. Or, maybe the best. Either way. I'm excited to finally, a year later, wrap up this series this year and see how it all ends. Even if the next book is going to break my heart because I don't like when the boys fight. Because Hadiran needs Royce and Royce is Hadrian's unicorn. (No I'm never letting this line go. Nothing will ever give me more joy than Hadrian calling Royce a unicorn. It gives me life.)

In full honesty, this is not my favorite of the series. I still liked this story very much, I've always been a fan of Rider's work, and this is one of my favorite little add-ons to Holmes's canon. This is more of a legacy series with Sheffield being his own person, while still having the keen eye his Uncles are known for. I love this look at a younger Sheffield and his adventures in India, and I'd love to see more of these characters from this era before he met his Watson and so on. I think for me there was a big chunk of this story missing. Sheffield goes off on his own and the reader is left alone to wait and see what he saw. Only to take his word for everything at the end. I knew the tiger was a misdirect, but I was sad that we only got to see a little of young Sheffield at work. Still has a whole this solid and I always enjoy this series. Like I said, I hope to see more Kickstarters with more younger Sheff in the future. Just seeing him solve more of the crime! Even if I don't know how all the pieces fit, I just want to see him do his thing. Understand that working pieces. Something I felt the first series did a little better. 


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