Saturday, June 22, 2024

Prince and Pawn - Review

Author: Tavia Lark
Genre: Fantasy / Romance
Format: e-Book
Pages: 291

So I read this in a day because the plot of this one is really good. I loved that we got to see the three Sandry brothers working together, along with their husbands. Say what you want but if Julien and Whisper aren't married by the end of this series I will riot. Rakos and Bell are husband-coded, so they're an island of their own. I liked that we finally get to see the castle and everything with Cyril is wrapped up along with a few of the small plot holes from the first book about why everyone was trying to kill Julien.

It was great that we went to see the scalestone mines because we didn't get to see much of that with the second book. My favorite little creature did make a small appearance, being a menace as always. Plus there were fellcat cubs. They were adorable, and I loved that were just wandering around the castle, tricking people into feeding them. 

Not going to lie, I also really liked that Audric has a bit of a dark side to him. Up until this book he's the duty-bound older brother, soon to be heir to the throne, next king, and all that. It was nice that what we saw up until now was his 'court face' or 'big brother' face, and outside of that he had a personality. Wants, thoughts, feelings. So that gave him a bit more dimension. He's the warrior of the three boys, that was made very clear. And it was brilliant to see him finally get to see the full force of Sandry magic.

I did find him a bit dull, though. Like he's fine, a good person, and I'm sure we'll see in later books that he's a good King. But compared to Bell and Julien, meh. Just meh. With the other brothers, I'd read more books with them (with or without their husbands). I don't think I'd read another book about Audric. There's nothing about his character that pulled me toward him. 

And, while I adored Corin because he's so delicate and sad. You just want to bundle the poor kid up and name anyone who likes him sideways. Because he's got a good heart despite the fact he's been treated like nothing for a very long time. He had really great growth in this book, finding some confidence and starting to learn who he was as a person.

I just don't need another book with either couple. They are cute and work but I don't know. I fell instantly in love with Julien and Bell grew on me. There was something about their stories that immediately had me downloading the audiobook to listen to the story I'd just finished reading. But Audric and Corin's didn't feel that way. Their romance felt like a thing that happened on the side of this epic finale to the Sandry story.

Which was epic, I liked how that all played out. Because I was convinced that Corin was a grail, and it wasn't until the last handful of pages that I figured out who Cryil was. Plus the fight in the mines was so good. As I mentioned it was amazing to Audric finally show exactly what Sandry's magic can do. We heard stories from the little brothers, from Rakos and Sarka, but it was super cool to see just what Audric could do with it. 

And, Corin's power was perfect for him. Because he is a ray of freaking sunshine. This makes him dangerous because of that little end with this half-brother, I wish we'd seen more of Corin sooner in the book. 

So yeah, I liked this book as a wrap-up to the Sandry plotline, which I'm sure will bleed over into the Draskora storyline in the last three books somehow. Also, it was great to see the boys working together to solve problems, and I hope to see more of that one the next three books. Which I'm excited for! 

I still really like Lark's writing style and world-building. Her play on the classic tropes is great and a lot of fun. While there is drama in these books, I love that it's short-lived. It serves to push the plot along. But the best part about this book is there is communication. Not great communication because that would be too much, but at least one person in the duo at one time has the brain cell. This series has just been a lot of fun, and as a whole, I've liked these books.

I'm super excited that the next three take place in Draskora and will introduce a new set of brothers, with a new set of problems. All while keeping the characters we've just met here and there. I also really hope that Lucien gets that dragon. He puts up with so much and he just wants a dragon. He's so cute!

So, yeah this was a three-star read for me, but it was still fun, and still a series I want to finish! 


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