Sunday, January 7, 2018

2018 Bookish Resolution and Goals

I've sort of gone back and forth whether to throw my hat in the lot and do a post of goals and resolutions for this year. In the end as you can see I decided to finally gather something together. My theory is if I write it down maybe I'll actually stick it, because I didn't read nearly as much as I should have last year. I fell into a Netflix hole. So this year something new. 

2 BINGOs this year! This last year I danced around our BINGO board and didn't manage a single one, but this year I don't want to do that. We've got some really good squares this year. So this year I'm starting out small. Two BINGOs!

Last year I managed to read 53 years books. Which shocked the hell out of me, because when I set my goal last year I thought it wasn't something I'd be able to do. Oddly enough I managed. So this year I though, why not. So I want to read 55 books before year end. Wish me luck!

Okay so honestly I didn't make a lot of them, and I don't feel bad about it. The point of these is to be able achieve them. So I kept them small and simple, but things I need to take care of.

  • Spend 2 months reading through my physically TBR.
  • Review more.
  • Comment more on blogs I follow.
  • 2 Discussion post by the end of 2018 


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