Saturday, August 24, 2024

Book Haul


Did I mention that my mother and I shouldn't be left alone in a bookstore? Because really we shouldn't be, and we were. We hit two bookstores, one thrift store, and one Amazon bin store. Books were found in five places. My grandmother was also on the trip and I think she found one book, maybe two. 

Ma I think found four, maybe three. I however found a stack and discovered a new part of one of my local bookstores that I'd never noticed before. Which added two new books to my stack. 

At least I didn't have to shove my stack into a suitcase. Otherwise, I would have been in trouble. As it is, I need to figure out where exactly on my shelves these new books are gonna go. Because at this moment in time, the shelves are very much overflowing. 

I also can't just leave them stacked on the floor. Because my cat will a hundred percent will lick them until the pages are gone. He's a menace. It's a good thing he's cute!


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