Saturday, August 3, 2024

Heir of Novron - Review

Author: Micheal J. Sullivan
Genre: Fantasy 
Format: Paperback
Pages: 932

This lost a star because I swear that Sullivan decided to save all the pain for this one book. Yes, there are major deaths in the other two books. Moments of pure angst that tugged at my heart, but this book. What the hell, Sullivan? Was all of this necessary because one of those deaths felt a little extra? I don't want to spoil it for people who haven't read this series yet, but seriously I refused to forgive you for that. And it was worse because I was listening to the audiobook. So not only was I caught unaware, at work of all places while opening, but in full techno color. So rude! 

The second I need to get off my chest is I love that all these gods and wizards have these perfect fantasy-level names. And then there's Kile. It makes me giggle every single time. I've been so excited to see how Kile fits into all of this because he was brought up here and there, so you knew he was important. But seriously, just Kile.

On that note. I liked that how despite everything going on, and the picture that was being painted, I never figured out every single piece of the puzzle until right before it was laid out. I mean I figured out who the heir was books ago, and then Googled it to make sure I was right. When I say books, I mean the first time I read Crown Tower. Arcadius isn't as sneaky as he thinks he is, everyone else is just trying to work harder not smarter. That being said, the way all of this call got tied was perfect. When I tell you I nearly screamed when I realized who Kile was both past and present, I was so excited. It was perfect.

The last maybe two hundred pages of this book are so intense, that I was actually stressed. Because there was half a second where I thought I'd come all this way only for my very favorite person to be dead. Which would have been incorrect, and I would have probably committed a homicide. Because of all this work, all these books, and the love of my life, my favorite little morally gray characters just eat it. Bless, that little plot twist, because I was wondering if they were going to introduce that, and I couldn't have asked for a better way for that bandaid to be removed. 

Now, I have one complaint about this book, Hadrian could have chosen better. Don't get me wrong, I love that he defeated the 'monster' and got the girl. I do. Even though he deserved the happy fantasy ending, it was Hadrian for all the things he's been put through. However, did he have to choose my least favorite woman in this whole universe. No, that's not right. My second least favorite. For as much as Arista annoys me, I hate Amelia. My issue with Arista is tries too hard to be perfect and her desire to be a hero or savior, or not your typical princess, nearly killed her (and others) several times. But, Amelia is whiney and needy, and I hated her chapters. Every time I thought she was getting better and getting a spine, she'd say something, and I'd be over it again.

Then again, Gwen was perfect and Modina had amazing character growth (she also had a really good plot twist that kicked ass). Those two were my favorite female cast members. Would have loved a better ending for Gwen, she served better, and so did Royce, but we don't always get what we want to move the plot along. However, after learning what I did, Arcadius got the death he deserved. 

As for the big plot of the whole series, I really liked how it all sort of came together. To know that Revelations came first and the other later is amazing. Because to know Sullivan took these books and created a whole other series based on just little comments about other jobs. Not only that but making it all work and flow together is amazing and worth noting. I read these in chronological order, and I didn't notice any glaring plot holes. I did have questions about one job they bring up a lot in later series, but that book is getting published this year sometime. 

Such a perfect ending to this series full of pain, adventure, and miracles. I'd love to get more in this universe. I'd love to see how Royce fares as King of the Elves, how Modina and Arista did in New Percepliquis, and how the girls grew up, and I want to hear Mercy say the words 'Uncle Hadrian'. So fingers crossed maybe one day we'll get those. Until then I guess it's time to jump into the other two series inside this universe. So I'll have to be happy about that, and the fact another Royce and Hadrian book is nearly here!


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