Thursday, August 1, 2024

July Wrap Up

 I thought I had acquired a lot of screen time in July because I did a rewatch of Psych, and my friend and I watched the Ghost movie. Then the new Beverly Hills Cop movie was released on Netflix, and then I started watching Vikings to fall asleep. However, it seems it wasn't that many hours because I didn't have a bad reading month. Two of these books were massive, but finally, I've made it through the Riyria Revelations. The last book really wanted to rip my heart from my chest, I have a lot of things on my 2023 BINGO card, but Royce Melbourne crying wasn't one of them. It was rude and uncalled for, and I'll probably never be over it. 

Also, I finally I'm ahead on Page Goal for 2024. My attention span with books this year has been small, and I've been in the mood for fast past reads. I'm slowly pulling out of that feeling. Jumping back into Riryia Revelations has helped because I love Hadrian and Royce. And, I've got other big books I'd like to jump into this year. I've also got plenty of quick reads in cause that feeling was just a fluke for my love of Hadrian and Royce.

I'm excited to jump into August! I might have some special guests here toward the end of the month, I'm waiting to hear about flight plans. As for reading plans, I have nothing planned. There are a couple of books coming out next month that I cannot wait to get my hands on, one I'll probably read the day I get it. Other than that, I'll go where the mood takes me.

Books Read: 9
BINGO Books: 1
A to Z Challenge: 3
Pages Read: 3422
Currently Reading: Terrifying Tales: Strange and Spooky Spots Across America

My dudes! I have finally slapped my A to Z challenge in the face. Four books, FOUR, books I read this month were on that challenge board! So, that's a win, I also managed to knock another BINGO square away. So long anthology! I thought for half a second I had the 342 pages but I was over by two pages. So close, so very close!


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