Friday, May 22, 2020

Aurora Burning - Review

Author: Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
Genre:  Young Adult / Sci-Fi
Format: Hardback
Pages: 495

I've been sitting on a blank screen for several days trying to organize my thoughts for this review. Because I've been having a hard time of how to start it. So far this is my favorite book in the series. In fact it has taught me I'm a glutton for punishment because I wouldn't change a thing about any of it. Yes this book is full of pain and the last hundred pages nothing but stress. Still I devoured Aurora Burning, reading way past my bedtime. Even a few days later I don't think there is a single thing I'd change. A single moment. Because I honestly don't think I would have enjoyed it so much if hadn't hurt they way that it had.

Like I said, glutton for punishment.

One of the best things about this installment is the character growth. Even Zila has changed, and her back story. Holy crap. After I finished that chapter I had to put the book down for a second and walk away. That was one of the more painful parts of the book. I also somehow missed in Aurora Rising just how much younger she is than the rest of the Squad. I have no idea how, but it just made me love her all the more. It's also great to see Fin has a soft and squishy side. Hands my favorite moments was seeing him care for his Squad.

And, while romance isn't normally my favorite thing. I thought the romance between was well done, and I'm still rooting for them. 

It was also great to have some of my theories from the first book be proven right and then some. Now I have more questions, more theories. Hopefully all which will come to light in the third book. There is however one question I will never get an answer to, and I will learn to live with that.

Another great thing about this book is how they dealt with Cat's death. Because they dealt with it and all of them in their own way. While she wasn't my favorite character of the first book it was great that she wasn't forgotten. All of them were mourning, and Amie and Jay found a brilliant way to keep her alive for the Squad. I also really enjoyed the part Cat got to play in Aurora Burning. I won't go into details because spoilers, but those chapters were brilliant and heart wrenching.

While a lot of big pictures questions that popped up in the first book weren't answered, in fact more were piled on, I feel like there was a bit of closer in this book in a lot of ways. Aurora finally found out what happened to her, why it happened, and she was shown how to use her powers. She stumbled at the end, but I can't blame her because she pulled it together end. Even if the reason for her pulling it together hurt, a lot.

Unlike in with the first book, this one ends on a cliff hanger, and I wouldn't have changed it. I have about half dozen theories as to what is about to happen. I have a thousand questions, and the last thing I want to do is wait a year for the next book. But, it's not like I have a choice on the matter. So what I shall. In the mean time I'm waiting for my turn on the audio book version of Aurora Burning. I mentioned being a glutton for punishment right?!

Buy, borrow, or skip: Buy! The whole series and the audio books because the cast is amazing! They really are that good.


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