Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Waiting on Wednesday

Can't Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings to spotlight and talk about the books we're excited about what we have yet to read. Generally they are books that have yet to be released, but don't have to be. It is based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by the fabulous at Breaking the Spine.

Teagan Frost’s life is finally back on track. Her role working for the government as a psychokinetic operative is going well and she might even be on course for convincing her crush to go out with her. But, little does she know, that sh*t is about to hit the fan . . .

A young boy with the ability to cause earthquakes has come to Los Angeles – home to the San Andreas, one of the most lethal fault lines in the world. If Teagan can’t stop him, the entire city – and the rest of California – could be wiped off the map.

Why I'm Waiting: I've read a bit of the first book and really liked what I read! So I'm excited to for the second book for a marathon read!



  1. Oooh! This sounds like an interesting book! Great pick!

    Here’s my WoW!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  2. I haven’t seen this one before but it sounds great!

    My CWW

    1. I really liked what I read of the first book. I need to pick it up again.

  3. Ha! Love that title! Hope you are able to get this one soon!
    Check out my Wednesday post
