Thursday, May 7, 2020

Warlock Holmes: The Sign of Nine - Review

Author: GS Denning
Genre:  Mystery / Humor / Paranormal
Format: Paperbak
Pages: 432

My heart! This one hit me right in the feels and I was not ready for it. I had made assumptions with the first book about how the drug problem from Canon was going to be handled, and should not have done that. Because I was not ready for how it was actually handled. My poor, poor Watson. It broke my heart ever single time he talked about it. Why would you do that?! I stand by Warlock, Dr. John Watson should be protected at all costs. All costs!

Two weeks has passed since My Grave Ritual and poor Watson has been in a coma since then. Sadly, the world had gone on around him and Warlock has taken on a case that he can't solve alone. So the fourth installment takes off running with no time for Watson to digest what has happened to him over the last two weeks. Which I honestly really love about this series. GS Denning always seems to hit the ground running with the stories and leave us to catch up through Watson's thoughts between action. This also breaks my heart later with Watson's thoughts on his seven percent solution.

Though, it breaks my heart it was also one of my favorite parts of the books. Because he really get to see how much Warlock really cares about his friend, John Watson. He knows something is wrong. Can see the doom around his friend and does everything that he can to help him. To save him. Even if the final solution breaks my heart by splitting up the duo, but he does it in just a Warlock Holmes way that it was brilliant way. I cannot wait to see how Warlock's plan to keep Watson safe blows up in the next book.

Because there is no Warlock without Watson. Right?

I have to admit that I wasn't really looking forward to Mary Morstan joining the cast of characters. She is my least favorite of any character in canon, but I should have known better. While she is in fact the worst, I wasn't alone in my feelings. I can't honestly say if GS Denning also has a dislike for the character, but Watson surely did and I loved that. Which honestly made the end all the better, and better I mean hilarious. I honestly cannot say it enough. I'm so excited to see how the Mary situation pans out in the Final Problem.

While Lestrade and Groggson make an appearance in all the books, in Sign of Nine they are in quite a few of the short stories. While Groggson is adorable, I love Lestrade and how over everything he is. So I love so much that he had some extra pages and cases to be involved in. He has such a dry humor, and I love it.

There are a lot of Easter Eggs in this book because Warlock has so many demons in his head he can see several timelines at a time. So there are always references to the future and random things. This was no different here, only this time Watson was getting his own glimpse at things through his seven percent solution. But, my favorite nerdy reference was the fact GS Denning found a way to slip in a Mario Brother's reference and lost my mind. It was brilliant!

Honestly I'm trying to find something I disliked about the book, or the series so far, and nothing is coming to mind. Every short story followed the time line of what is coming. They play a part in the whole scheme of things. Watson has taken on a few of canon Sherlock's traits: his "drug" problem and his obsession with the Women. Everything is all headed to the end of the world that Watson keeps mentioning. Really my only complaint has nothing to do with GS Denning or his writing style. The actually canon story of Sign of Nine is just not my favorite.

I have mixed emotions about the next book, but only because I know Warlock is now on his own. Because I'm not ready for this series to end. But, I don't have to worry about any of that until August.

Buy, Borrow, or Skip: I saw buy this series! It's one you can go back and read again, and one I will have to re-read because I'm sure there were little things I missed. Plus, some I've forgotten with the first two books.


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