It is nearly that time again. The second Bout of Books of 2020 is one week away! Normally I use this read-a-thon as a reason to shut off the TV and focus more on what I'm reading. However, with the way thing currently are Bout of Books 28 will be a little different. While I'm lucky to be able to still go to work, the nature of that work has changed completely. Meaning I am home more than usual these days. It also means I'm getting bored with watching TV. After about an episode or two I'm kind of over it.
So that being said, it does mean I need put away the games I've downloaded on my phone and computer. Limit my screen time and Youtube time to less hours in the day and focus on what getting some books read. Hopefully the weather will stay nice and I can do some reading on our patio.
Either way this is one of my favorite read-a-thons that happens throughout the year. It is super low stress, and you set your own pace. Sometimes I have hunker down and set a great reading schedule for myself, sometimes I'm lucky if I get an hour a day. Either way those are no right way to Bout and that's what I love about it! There are two helpful links click here for more info on Bout of Books itself, and this link here is how to sign-up.

My goal is to finish The Living Dead and get at least halfway into The Deep. I might have a graphic novel to read that week as well. I just started a Witcher series from back in 2016 that I really enjoy, but that all depends on my library's digital holds. Not sure it'll be turn to read it in time for Bout yet. Fingers crossed though!
Good luck to everyone signing up! It's going to be a great week!
Good luck this week! I've struggled to watch tv during the quarantine too, definitely been on my phone more than I want. Working on that too - especially this week!