Thursday, April 9, 2020

Dewey's 24-Hour Read-a-Thon

Okay, so I know the world seems like it's ending right. So better way to not think about it then to jump into Dewey's 24-hour read-a-thon! It's super chill, at your own pace reading, and it lasts all day! You can chose to ready for just a chunk of the day, or do what our house day and read for the entire 24-hour time period. It's a great way to keep with the social distancing and connect to other readers through social media! Just click the image above more information and the sign-up page!

This Dewey's will be a little different for our house. First because I never get to join into the April read-a-thon since it falls on Indie Bookstore Day. I'm out buying all the books! Second, because a friend ours won't be able to join due to social distancing. So that will definitely change how we do things.

Still, I'm super excited for 24-hours of unplugging, snacking, and reading. I've got some great books on my April TBR to read!  


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