Thursday, January 5, 2023

2022 Yearly Wrap Up

So I'm a few days late to the party, but the numbers aren't going to change no matter how early, or late, I posted this! I actually had a solid reading year in 2022. Not only met my Goodreads goal but surpassed it by 9 books! Added a few new authors to the must-read list, and revisited some old favorites from long ago. There is no way to even count, nor a will, how many books I added to my actual library. Oh, discovered this amazing book club called Night Worms that reminded me why I love horror, and brought some amazing books, and authors, to my attention.

Now onto some stacks:

Books Read: 74 of 65
Pages Read: 13,099 of 15,000
Reading BINGO: 20 of 25

I knew that pages to read goal was lofty, but I'm kind of surprised at how close to achieving it this year. There were a lot of novellas and graphic novels on my read list this year. Not worry though, I'll be trying again this year with the same number. If at first, you don't succeed and all that. However those are just goals I want to reach by end of 2023, and you can see more about those here

There are two challenges I'm looking forward to jumping into this year. As always my friends and I are doing Reading BINGO. If you click on the BINGO card on the right it'll take you to the page with all of that information! Then there is the A to Z Challenge on Instagram. It sounds like a lot of fun. Basically, I go through my physical library and picked 25 books with the start of each letter of the alphabet! 

Oh! I almost forgot that one of the bookstores in my neck of the woods is doing an Adult Book It! Challenge. I didn't think even think twice about jumping onto that one. I am the OG Book It! years old.

Also for those that missed it, if you click here you can see some of my favorite reads of 2022, and here if you want to see some of my most anticipated reads of the first half of 2023!


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