Thursday, January 19, 2023

My Best Friend's Exorcism - Review

Author: Grady Hendrix
Genre: Horror 
Format: Paperback
Pages: 332

This is the second book I picked up by Grady Hendrix. I absolutely loved Horrorstor, it was one of my favorite reads from last year. So I was really excited to jump into another book by him. Especially since this was optioned by Amazon and made into a movie last year. And, I've never been a person who can watch a movie and then go read the book. If I'm going to read the book, that has to happen first, and I was so excited about this one. Classic exorcism trope, the just plain weirdness of the '80s, and Hendrix's writing style. I was in.

While there was a lot I liked about this book, and I devoured it in three seatings. Which is pretty good for me because I'm a slow reader. As a whole, this one hit the middle of the road for me. I liked it, and laughed out loud in places, mostly due to the power of Phil Collins. But when I finished it something just left me wanting. Maybe it was that everything really got tied up with a bow, and I get it that's also a trope from the '80s. Everything worked out in the end.

Yeah, parts moved really slowly, but I liked that we saw how the four girls were before everything. How their friendship worked, who they were, and I liked seeing it all devolve. I felt like the classic possessed tropes got hit, I wasn't left wanting there. Maybe it was the exorcism itself. The lead-up with Brother Lemon, and Brother Lemon himself. Because I loved how Abby saved Gretchen. How they saved each other.

I loved the classic '80s parents as well. The one you see in all the shows and books. 

I think the problem was I kept hoping to get scared. Parts of Horrorstor creeped me right out. Like slept with the lamp on, freaked out. Was not a fan of under my bed or open closet doors at night scared. That never really happened with this one. 

But, as I whole I really enjoyed the story as a whole. Abby was a great main character, one I found myself rooting for every time the chips were down. You feel for her plight as everyone turns on her, and you hope for one second her parents notice her. But she's got the plucky can-do attitude that was in so many of the books I read growing up. And, she did this all alone.

Because Brother Lemon was absolutely no help.

So yeah, it's a good read. I'd totally recommend it to friends. Already told my roommate to have it to her list, and a couple of other people. Not overly scary, but a solid book on friendship and the crazy that came with the Satanic Panic. I will pick up a book by this author very soon! In fact, his newest book How to Sell a Haunted House hit shelves this last Tuesday, January 17th! My copy is incoming!


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