Saturday, January 7, 2017

Bout of Books Day 6

Bout of Books 18

Day 6 is almost over.  Today was the day where everything tried to fall to pieces. It started with my car not starting before I made to work, and then it was just a tone of little things piled up on top of each other.  Mostly it made my day long and I couldn't do anything about my car.  Upside to all of this is I live on the bus line so no car means no problem. Just a brisk walk tomorrow morning in the chill! My fingers are crossed that my car is fixable, but then again I've had that bad boy going on ten years.  Might need time for an upgrade! 

Saturday was a Free Day, which means no challenge.  I've spent the last few hours curled up with my cat finishing my catch-up for Prison Break, and now I'm off to finally read before bed.  I hope everyone manage to find a bit of time to read today!  Only one more day!

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